We seek a creative post-doctoral scientist with experience in computational analysis and/or modeling of ecosystem processes and isotope biogeochemistry. The candidate will use statistical modeling and computational techniques to analyze observations of methane cycling under climate warming in an Arctic wetland/lake complex. The science goals of this project (a collaboration funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation's EMERGE Institute) are to discover and predict how methane-cycling microbial soil communities interact with wetland ecology and gas transport processes to affect ecosystem carbon and methane cycling across lakes and wetlands of Arctic Sweden. The position is in the research group of Dr. Scott Saleska, with co-mentorship by Dr. Rick Wehr at Aerodyne Research, Inc., We work as part of a national and international team comparing ecosystem and isotope dynamics to molecular microbial ecology (e.g. of methane cycling organisms) from Arctic Sweden to Amazonia. This is a year-to-year appointment, contingent upon funding and performance (funding is currently available for up to three years). Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more! The University of Arizona has been recognized for our innovative work-life programs. For more information about working at the University of Arizona and relocations services, please click here. |